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Showing posts from May, 2019

INFOGRAPHIC | Mother's day in Floriculture

The celebration of Mother's Day is very important for the Colombian floriculture that exports and commercializes its products for this date. Flowers with the Florverde Sustainable Flowers label guarantee respect for workers and their families. Find here the list of certified companies  Florverde Sustainable Flowers.

Florverde Sustainable Flowers leader in the evolution of the FSI Basket of Standards 2020

With the objective of stimulating and reflecting on good practices in floriculture, the Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI) introduced the evolution of the FSI Basket of Standards with the addition of a new environmental scope. A total of 14 international voluntary sustainable standards and schemes make up the FSI Basket . They are fully transparent, comparable and by way of independent benchmarking, comply with basic requirements of social and/or environmental and/or good agricultural practices (GAP). Recommended article: Why is so important for Florverde to be part of the FSI Basket of Standards? With the evolution of the FSI Basket of Standards, stakeholders are encouraged to adopt and recognize their social criteria with the SSCI compliance , their good agricultural practices with GLOBALG.A.P benchmarking and their environmental aspects with the new environmental benchmarking of the FSI Basket. (See image below) Florverde Sustainable Flowers is one o...

| ENTREVISTA | Conociendo más de la tingua moteada que habita en nuestras fincas floricultoras

Erika Milena Sánchez - Becaria Colombia Biodiversa en trabajo de campo en finca floricultora. La “tingua moteada" es una subespecie endémica de la Cordillera Oriental colombiana registrada en los departamentos de Cundinamarca y Boyacá. Se considera en peligro de extinción (EN) debido a diversas amenazas en sus hábitats naturales. A partir del proyecto Las Aves de las flores de Asocolflores , se identificó su presencia en las fincas floricultoras de la Sabana de Bogotá que cuentan con reservorios artificiales de agua lluvia, proporcionando allí los espejos de agua y algunas coberturas vegetales acuáticas que le sirven a esta ave para alimentarse y sobrevivir. Read this article in English here Entrevistamos a Erika Milena Sánchez, primera becaria del convenio entre Asocolflores y el fondo de apoyo a la investigación Colombia Biodiversa de la Fundación Alejandro Ángel Escobar, al presentar las conclusiones de su investigación en Biología sobre la densidad de la Tingua mot...