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Showing posts from 2014

Friend of the Month - January

Have your say in January... Christine Boldt from the USA! "We embrace the notion of an increasingly interconnected world and believe it is the ideal moment to introduce the concept of working together" We spoke with Christine Boldt, B.S. in Accounting from Florida State University. She has been exposed to the flower industry for more than 30 years , as her mother was one of the first woman to own a flower importing company in Miami.  Also she has worked with the Association of Floral Importers of Florida - AFIF on their trade shows from 1999 through 2001 and joined full time from 2004 as Executive Vice President. From supply chain, sustainable flowers and customer trends she highlights the importance that sustainable certification labels have among these. Let's see what she got to tell to the Tingua! Florverde® Sustainable Flowers: How have you seen any change in the supply chain at the flower industry in terms of sustainability?   What is your opinion about Fl...

Making the difference in Social Media!

Mary Westbrook highlights environmental holiday celebration online by Florverde®  Society of American Florists featured on its  website  our social media campaign to celebrate the World Environment Day last June. We spread the word online and followers supported the activities. " Using #EnvironmentDay, Florverde asked its followers to tweet, post and share thoughts on the environment, sustainability and the workers and working conditions behind the flowers consumers enjoy said, Ximena Franco, Florverde's Sustainable Flowers Director "  Special thanks to SAF staff and Mary for such words!   Read the full article here . Wanna share your thoughts about nature and environment care? please tell us what you think!  don´t forget to check for our discussions on Linkedin , Twitter , Facebook and Pinterest ,   or visit our website !

Friend of the month - August

In Have your say on August... Jeroen Oudheusden from the Netherlands! " The [flower] sector as a whole has to take responsibility and work together in solving issues and in projects aiming for higher levels of sustainability " We shared some words with Jeroen Oudheusden from the Netherlands, Executive Officer to Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI) and our friend of the month of August. He knows where exactly flower industry meets sustainability and why. Let's see! FSF: Why is sustainability important for the flower industry? Jeroen: The pressure to meet demand of the growing global cut flower industry has created sustainability challenges for the entire supply chain from producer to retailer. There is a clear need of a sector-wide vision on sustainability because fragmentation of sustainability projects and standards has led to inefficiencies in market uptake. Therefore the sector has joined forces in the form of the Floriculture Sustainab...

RedES-CAR Memories

RedES-CAR spotlights! This is Luis Fernando Nieto from AgroIndustrial Don Eusebio  flower company . He once thought it was a good idea to think sustainable and check out what has been producing losings to his company and how they can solve that: figuring out what's wrong among the supply chain and how they can make the difference to their annual savings achieving a Cleaner Production Program . Wanna see what they will achieve? have a watch! Interested on how certified flower farms can make the difference? check for us on Linkedin , Twitter , Facebook and Pinterest   and visit our website .

Friend of month - July

In  Have your say  on July... Stan Pohmer from USA! " I would encourage the supply chain to be  conscious of sustainability  in their purchasing and operations  for a few reasons. First, it’s the right thing to do. Secondly, by considering sustainability in your decision-making, you can make better decisions.  " As featured friend of july, we spoke with  Stan Pohmer ,  CEO of  Pohmer Consulting Group, Mentor and Advisor to the perishable and seasonal industries . We discuss about sustainability and its role in the flower industry and customer's behavior, which could be guided to help them take the right choice and know why.  Florverde® Sustainable Flowers:  What does a sustainable label mean to you and to consumers? Stanley Pohmer:   There’s a definite difference in how I perceive the meaning of a sustainability label and  how a consumer does . Being actively involved with sustainability initiative...

RedES-CAR Program

A new competitive commitment from Florverde® The Sustainable Business Network seeks to improve the competitiveness and environmental performance of companies. Under the Sustainable Business Network Program , RedEs CAR Florverde® Sustainable Flowers presented the first results from 14 flower companies that participated together with important companies from other sectors last May, 2014 at Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. Through a public-private partnership , the RedES-CAR Program seeks to foster productive links between large companies and its suppliers, or between a union and its affiliates, to improve competitiveness and environmental performance through the implementation of cleaner production tools . In this phase of the Program companies, that produce and export flowers to four main destinations (the United States, Russia, Europe and Asia) participated. RedES-CAR is sponsored by the regional government environmental agency and led by the most importan...

Friend of the month - May

In Have your say ... Cynthia Hanauer from USA! "W e must plan strategically as the climate continues to change and more energy and natural resources will be needed to supply food and housing for a growing global population" As featured friend of the mother's month of may, we spoke with  Cynthia Hanauer ,  founder of Grand Central Flower and 4th generation florist with family lineage beginning in 1875. She has 40+ successful years in the floral business including retail and supply chain operations.  Florverde® Sustainable Flowers: We've heard a lot about you. What can you tell us about how your family began in the flower business in the late 19th century? Cynthia : My maternal ancestors came over from Germany in 1875, which ultimately became the largest group of immigrants in the history of the United States; 8 Million Germans arrived into the United States in the 19 th  century.   In those times, the trip from Germany to the United States...